Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Week 5 Tutorial Task!

Well this task we were asked to Discuss what the differences between MSN and a 3D Chat form are. Clearly i am using MSN as my first and as my example of a 3D chat form. Apart from the 3D graphics that HabboHotel has that MSN doesn't, There are lost of other qualative differences between the 2 forms of online chat.

Firstly HabboHotel and MSN are forms of online chats,anyone can sign up to use them however, MSN is between you and contacts you have aproved, HabboHotel is an open chat between you and everyone else in the little virtual rooms, everyone in that room can view the conversations you are having and the people within these rooms could be just anyone from anywhere in the world. I prefer MSN type chats to things like HabboHotel, although HabboHOtel offers the 3D virtual world aspect of chat which can make it more interesting, MSN is safer and you can control you and who can't talk to you.

When you sign up for HabboHotel, You get taken to the character generator. You can create your little Habbo Person to look like anything you want. Hair colour , skin colour and clothing.It is intended for you to create the character to resemble yourself. However this is almost never the case, there is no way to know if the person you're chatting to is even the same gender as their online character. Similarily, MSN has display pictures, again intended to display a photo of yourself, and again this is not always the case. Its not hard to put up a fake photo. However at least on MSN you can accept people you know and decline those you don't on HabboHotel it is an open chat to anyone.

HabboHotel seems to be more for entertainment value than actual serious conversations and meeting people( this would be a very unsafe way to do so anyway!)

Another thing, HabboHotel you can play for free, it is a chat but also a game, where you can pay real money to buy HabboHotel Credits to furnish your house, buy new clothes, do certain activities within the hotel virtual world. MSN is 100% free for anyone and there is no game aspect to it, aside from the little games you can play within conversationg, checkers, chess cards etc.

With HabboHotel your email can also be banned from use of the site, if say your character was reported for acting and or speaking inappropriately within the Chat world. MSN does not to my knowledge block users emails from using it.

Looking at the Pro's and Con's of HabboHotel and MSN, I have found that MSN a more private personal means of communication which provides that safe feeling when using it. As MSN gives you the option to choose who you can and can not talk to on its program. Although MSN display pictures can be unreliable, MSN also incorporates the use of web cameras,( if they have one installed) so you can view live who you are chatting to. The conversations are private between you can the person you're chatting to,Unlike HabboHotel which the entire room views your conversations. HabboHotel can be fun if you're into the game aspect of it, but in the sense of creating lasting relationships it comes in second to MSN because of the publicness of the chat and as well as the fact the other people playing can be whoever they wany through the virtual characters on the screen.

The photo on this blog is MY HabboHotel character. as well as a photo of me.. pretty similar i would say.

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