Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 2 Lecture!

From this weeks lecture, I would like to start off by giving a BIG thank you to my man Charles Babbage, if it wasn't for this wonderful man i wouldn't have the little thing i couldn't live without called the computer! ( and i wouldn't be able to write this blog ) Its nice to know who it was that brought so much joy into my childhood! I feel sorry for anyone who grew up without a computer! ( no offence to your mum) The history in this weeks lecture was quite interesting, all about the history behind computers and how they were being commercially sold by the 1950's and the history behind all the people that made it happen .Looking at how it started, who back then would have even imagined that it would be as wireless and wonderful as it is now!

Computers were slowing advancing at first, the first personal computer was released in 1975. A man called Bill Gates set up his own business in his garage called microsoft. It was clear then that when computers started becoming more advanced and more available that there would be massive boom in the market for them. And companies (IBM for example) that decided to get into the PC business were right on the money.( ahem Bill Gates=Worlds richest man)


The Internet= a network of networks' which contain servers, mainframes and personal computers. The internet can be connected by; the telephone system, broad-band cable and satellite.

A Fact:

- The idea of the internet came about in the 1960's by the RAND corporation.

The RAND corporation teamed up with other researchers and their idea called packet switching and started working on a networking program.

-From the 1960's to the 1990's the worldwide web was born.
-The web is not the same as the internet

The Web brings together both internetworking and hypertext to make an easy to use global system


Cyberspace= the interconnection of reality and imagination

Karl Popper he wrote about the nature of reality and how it is divided into three worlds.

1st: the objective material world of natural things and their physical properties.

2nd: subjective consciousness: intentions, calculations, feelings, thoughts, dreams, memories, etc in individual minds.

3rd: the public structures produced by living minds interacting with each other and the real world.

I hope that was understandable!

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