Wednesday, August 26, 2009

weeeeeeeek 5!

This weeks lecture was pretty darn informing and hilarious( i realised after the types of people i was laughing at in the lecture was actually people like me) we talked about A new era of internet is called Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is web that is about people. The difference between the old web and Web 2.0 is folksomy which categorises and organises knowledge. This is a user generated content. There are also open API'S which are web pages that you can share information openly. And don't forget the social media websites,web blogs social network services and context sharing communities which are new kinds of communities. The economy of accumulation is someone who can have information about you

We watched a funny video on twitter and how its just undeeded updates on what people do every second of the day. I realised that most of society are exhibitionists now, its like we seem to have to and need to let everyone know what they are doing and what they thinking every day!

I personally, don't see the harm in it. I think its given people a new confidence in expressing themselves. And sure you'll get some nut cases who think facebook and twitter is everything, but generally i think people on a whole are smarter than that, and that all these social networking sites will die out just like every other fad that sweeps the internet.( remember yahoo chat rooms? yeah.. they were the bomb.. now they're barely used.)

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