Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week 3 tutorial task!

Here is my week 3 tutorial task!
I'll admit, i was lazy and just searched " new communication technologies" in google...however i got this hilarious video about the advancments in communication technologies and how we keep making everything even more compact than the last!

* How long have you been using these communication technologies?
As long as I can remember, before grade 1. Computers were and still are a huge part of my family

*What influenced you to start using these particular technologies? How did you find out about them?
My Dad had a real passion for computers and any sort of new technology( he had a masters in IT from UQ), we would all have the best computers and hardware available at the moment they came out! My uncle is an IT technician, and my older brother is studying IT. I'm a big gamer and so is most of my family and friends.

*Is privacy an issue for you when using new technologies? What do you think of companies like Facebook and Google who collect information about their users? (How do you deal with issues around privacy?)
I was well aware of privacy issues with the internet and terms and service agreements before this course. The internet is a safe place if you're not stupid when using it. i.e clicking on spam advertisments, downloading unknown files, giving out personal information on public servers etc! I don't have a problem with facebook collecting information about its users, it could be used to help in legal matters and they're only using the information for their needs( just dont tell them your exact street adress :P)

* Do you have friends whom you know only from the internet and have never met in person? Is this different to people that you know in person? Describe the difference.
Yes i have friends online that i have never met in person, and i also have friends i met online that i have met in person. The difference with an online friend you've never met i think would be trust. You would never 100% know that the thing they say, what they look like, their gender, what they look like etc are true. On the internet its easy as 1-2-3 to make a false identity. So you always have to be aware of this.

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