Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week 1 Lecture Overview

In the very first lecture i had in New Communication Technologies the lecturer introduced and explained what new communication technologies actually are. To give us all a more theoretical devates of the things we use in every day life. He went on to explain the types of things we would be looking at in this course such as the internet, wireless, social networking sitesand youtube.


Communication= a process that transfers, transmits or makes information known to other people

Technology= the scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to the world

The most basic type of communication is this : person a (speaker) produces a message that is heard by person b (listener). however this is to slow a form of communication and there is now the growing need to communicate internationally and faster thus the continuing advancement in communication technologies.

regarding technology, there are 2 different types; digital and analog. Digital technology relies on storing bits of binary information that allows the precise modification of forces. Where as analog is a technology that functions by representing continuously variable forces through roughly proportional signs.

And thats what i leanrt this week folks!

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