Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week 3 Blog!

This lecture was about...from what i gathered off the notes as this was the EKKA show holiday!.. the language of the cinema...

We were showed a list of different camera shots used in cinematography, and here it is!
VLS/WS: Very LS/Wide
LS: Long Shot
MLS: Medium LS
MS: Mid Shot
MCU: Medium CU
CU: Close Up
ECU: Extreme CU
We were told how different shots were used to help show emotion....and how other shots can answer certain questions about and extenuate what is being shown.

Close up of character= WHO?
Mid shot of character= WHAT?( the character is doing)
Close up of clock= WHEN?
Close up of something on a character= WHY?
Variety of shots= HOW?

Head room is also discussed in this ( i am a professional at taking photos, I have a vain mum and step dad who love having their photo's taken and if the space above their heads and to the sides and below isn't correct, you have to take the photo again... you learn fast.)

A person being show without proper head room and proper talking room can detract from the films quality(i.e looks shoddily made)

Peace Out

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