Saturday, October 17, 2009

Course Review!

WEEK 10.

In addition to finishing our blogs, we were asked to write a short review on the course.
All in all i would say it was pretty good. Like i always thought of myself as very internet savvy. But i learnt alot from this course, like reading the TOA's when signing up for websites, boolean searches, that there is more than google out there( i did know that but, i suppose i forgot) I attended all but 1 lecture..and like all but 2 or 3 tutes, so i think i did quite well! The tutors and lecturers were interesting, and reminded me alot of my friends in highschool, that cool kinda nerdy( well i think its cool! thats why those guys were my friends!!) and even if i knew most about the subject they were covering, it was good to refresh my memory and learn a few new things.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week 9

Week 9 !

Not too fond of this tutorial task, i haven't found like any soures yet... I'm like really indescisive with my sources... so it might take a while..but i thought i would write a blog up just to be a good student :D

I have decided to do question 5 regarding Creative Commons! The lecture for that one really stuck in my head and i love the idea's behind that website! So question 5 it is!

"Creative Commons is both a solution and yet another failure to deal with authorship and copyright on the internet. Discuss and give examples."

Source 1)

what is the key argument or information in this resource?

Is the view or information the same as the other resources you have found?
How does it contribute to your argument?
Is there a key quote that describes the main point of the article?

Source 2)

what is the key argument or information in this resource?

Is the view or information the same as the other resources you have found?
How does it contribute to your argument?
Is there a key quote that describes the main point of the article?

Source 3)

what is the key argument or information in this resource?

Is the view or information the same as the other resources you have found?
How does it contribute to your argument?
Is there a key quote that describes the main point of the article?

Source 4)

what is the key argument or information in this resource?

Is the view or information the same as the other resources you have found?
How does it contribute to your argument?
Is there a key quote that describes the main point of the article?

Source 5)

what is the key argument or information in this resource?

Is the view or information the same as the other resources you have found?
How does it contribute to your argument?
Is there a key quote that describes the main point of the article?


So the lecturer talked on how the internet is constantly changing. although the constant changes can be a great thing, when it comes to the business side, not so good. Example would be myspace. Facebook came into the popular circle if you will. And now to myself and alot of other, myspace, is just another forgotten password! out with the old in with the new would be pretty appropriate

I'm pretty sure his main message of the whole lecture was that in order to keep the internet working, interesting work needs to be continuously added! once again out with the old and in with the new sounds appropriate!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 8 Lecture

Lecture week 8

The topic for this weeks lecture was CyberPolitics and eDemocracy.

Cyberpolitics: Politics on the internet

eDemocracy: Internets contribution to real world politics.

Cyberpolitics has lots of different levels to it, from as little as political activities which are seen in games and char sites to the people who actually control the functions and structure of the internet.

eDemocracy on the other hand is political websites and showing political campaigning.

week 8 tutorial Task

Icky...politics...i did and intro to politics course last semester...I wanted to kill myself! Honestly, i find it boring as anything, Obviously I'm aware that its politics and politicians that make laws blah blah... but that still doesn't mean it has to interest me!

Sign an e-petition
I signed one regarding animal cruelty( a german shepard was beaten to death in its own front yard ) on

Respond to a professional blogger at a major news site.
I made a comment about an article on Buckley that little puppy in gympie that had its ears and tail cut off with scissorts by teenagers then dumped in a school field, at i wrote i would cut the person who did its ears off....

What is Barack Obama up to today?
About 17 hours ago, he was in New York - meeting with world leaders at the UN. Boo-yah having a twitter account finally payed off!

Find out who your local, state and federal representatives are.
Local Representative is:
I don't know..

State Representative is:
Peter Dowling

Federal Representative is:
Andrew Laming

Look up the Queensland or Australian hansard to find the last time your local member spoke in parliament.
Well i can't look up no one in parliment now can i!?

Let your local member know what you think about their last speech.
I don't know who they are :(

"Clean Feed".
This has been around in China for a while, and the fact they are even considering it over here in Australia is disgraceful! We have the right to search whatever we want and know what is available to us over the web. This counrty is a democracy, this sort of control over what we can and can't view has no place hererights of the country.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week 7

As an extension for the week 6 tutorial task, we were asked to create like a fake news story or some type of video made by us!

I think it said it had to be 3 mins long..mine is half i hope i don't get marked down TOO much. But its really hard to make a video about sliding escapes from spiders last 3 minutes! It was hard work, all the different outfits,hairstyles.. back rounds.. so hopefully i'll get some credit!

I didn't add any credits. But i'd like to thank windows movie maker, myself, my brother for helping film some of the scenes, my fake playdough spider( i mean real spider.. cough)

Its not very well done, but its entertaining! well i think so!
Here it is!

So i have decided to incluide the original video i made, now i have 2 and have what i assume enough to get a passing mark haha! I made this one originally and decided against it... but here it is anyway!

The topic for New Communication Technologies in week 7 is free society free culture and Creative Commons.

Keywords for week 7:
- Community
- Collaboration
- Choice

In this lecture we were told about Creative Commons Media,( ) which are a non-profit that is set out to promote reasonable copyright. They allow standard licences and tools to be availible which in turn enable creators to create their work in a much easier way. This organisation also allows creators to have a thing called 'some rights reserved' as opposed to the normal 'all rights reserved'.Each creator is,when considering copying and distributing work ,allowed to choose one of these 3 options
Every creator is allowed a choise of one of three options when considering copying and distributing work.

- NonCommercial,
- No Derivatives
- ShareAlike

Then we were told about Free and Open software which started the movement to voluntarily relax copyright laws.

This idea of free software first came to about when a man called Richard M Stallman began the Free Software Foundation in 1981. He aimed to produce a system that was made up of free software. He also created four principles when dealing with free software:
1) The freedom to run the program, for any purpose.
2) The freedom to study how the programs works, and adapt it to your needs.
3) The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour.
4) The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week 6 Lecture/ Tutorial Task

Week 6's lecture was on "Mobile content: Production and Consumption".

Consumption VS Production!!

Consumption: = two groups; big screen and small screen. Big screen includes; Cinemas( primary means of consuming media) Televison( consume media in the privacy of your home) Computers( a whole world of media to consume!)
Small screen includes; fixed media players,as like found on aeroplanes, Personal Media players i.e mobile phones, Small Screen consumption are more personal media consumption unlike the more public media consumption of big screen.

Most people used to be consumers, however there is now a growing number of everyday people turning into producers, fan vidoes and channels and blogs have become seemingly popular these days.

Which one are you? I would probably say I'm more of a consumer, I don't really produce anything, nothing of great interest anyway!

The lecturer showed us this site called, which was basically what the link says, a mash up for a whole different bunch of movie trailers to make them look like something completely different to what they are. In the lecture we watched a mash up for the mary poppins trailer entitled "scary mary"
when checking out the site myself the first one that came up was the notebook mash up, and i giggled my ass off! it was great! and so easily changed, i watched a few more and now this site is in my favourite's list!

For this weeks tutorial task we were asked to make a videp using only still images, so i decided to make mine on the love of my life, my little lady, My pet snake Princess.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Week 5 Tutorial Task!

Well this task we were asked to Discuss what the differences between MSN and a 3D Chat form are. Clearly i am using MSN as my first and as my example of a 3D chat form. Apart from the 3D graphics that HabboHotel has that MSN doesn't, There are lost of other qualative differences between the 2 forms of online chat.

Firstly HabboHotel and MSN are forms of online chats,anyone can sign up to use them however, MSN is between you and contacts you have aproved, HabboHotel is an open chat between you and everyone else in the little virtual rooms, everyone in that room can view the conversations you are having and the people within these rooms could be just anyone from anywhere in the world. I prefer MSN type chats to things like HabboHotel, although HabboHOtel offers the 3D virtual world aspect of chat which can make it more interesting, MSN is safer and you can control you and who can't talk to you.

When you sign up for HabboHotel, You get taken to the character generator. You can create your little Habbo Person to look like anything you want. Hair colour , skin colour and clothing.It is intended for you to create the character to resemble yourself. However this is almost never the case, there is no way to know if the person you're chatting to is even the same gender as their online character. Similarily, MSN has display pictures, again intended to display a photo of yourself, and again this is not always the case. Its not hard to put up a fake photo. However at least on MSN you can accept people you know and decline those you don't on HabboHotel it is an open chat to anyone.

HabboHotel seems to be more for entertainment value than actual serious conversations and meeting people( this would be a very unsafe way to do so anyway!)

Another thing, HabboHotel you can play for free, it is a chat but also a game, where you can pay real money to buy HabboHotel Credits to furnish your house, buy new clothes, do certain activities within the hotel virtual world. MSN is 100% free for anyone and there is no game aspect to it, aside from the little games you can play within conversationg, checkers, chess cards etc.

With HabboHotel your email can also be banned from use of the site, if say your character was reported for acting and or speaking inappropriately within the Chat world. MSN does not to my knowledge block users emails from using it.

Looking at the Pro's and Con's of HabboHotel and MSN, I have found that MSN a more private personal means of communication which provides that safe feeling when using it. As MSN gives you the option to choose who you can and can not talk to on its program. Although MSN display pictures can be unreliable, MSN also incorporates the use of web cameras,( if they have one installed) so you can view live who you are chatting to. The conversations are private between you can the person you're chatting to,Unlike HabboHotel which the entire room views your conversations. HabboHotel can be fun if you're into the game aspect of it, but in the sense of creating lasting relationships it comes in second to MSN because of the publicness of the chat and as well as the fact the other people playing can be whoever they wany through the virtual characters on the screen.

The photo on this blog is MY HabboHotel character. as well as a photo of me.. pretty similar i would say.