Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week 7

As an extension for the week 6 tutorial task, we were asked to create like a fake news story or some type of video made by us!

I think it said it had to be 3 mins long..mine is half i hope i don't get marked down TOO much. But its really hard to make a video about sliding escapes from spiders last 3 minutes! It was hard work, all the different outfits,hairstyles.. back rounds.. so hopefully i'll get some credit!

I didn't add any credits. But i'd like to thank windows movie maker, myself, my brother for helping film some of the scenes, my fake playdough spider( i mean real spider.. cough)

Its not very well done, but its entertaining! well i think so!
Here it is!

So i have decided to incluide the original video i made, now i have 2 and have what i assume enough to get a passing mark haha! I made this one originally and decided against it... but here it is anyway!

The topic for New Communication Technologies in week 7 is free society free culture and Creative Commons.

Keywords for week 7:
- Community
- Collaboration
- Choice

In this lecture we were told about Creative Commons Media,( ) which are a non-profit that is set out to promote reasonable copyright. They allow standard licences and tools to be availible which in turn enable creators to create their work in a much easier way. This organisation also allows creators to have a thing called 'some rights reserved' as opposed to the normal 'all rights reserved'.Each creator is,when considering copying and distributing work ,allowed to choose one of these 3 options
Every creator is allowed a choise of one of three options when considering copying and distributing work.

- NonCommercial,
- No Derivatives
- ShareAlike

Then we were told about Free and Open software which started the movement to voluntarily relax copyright laws.

This idea of free software first came to about when a man called Richard M Stallman began the Free Software Foundation in 1981. He aimed to produce a system that was made up of free software. He also created four principles when dealing with free software:
1) The freedom to run the program, for any purpose.
2) The freedom to study how the programs works, and adapt it to your needs.
3) The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour.
4) The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits.

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